This SIMPLE 1 Thing Can Make or Break Your Progress in Life – Ultimate Success Tips


“Success is built sequentially. It’s one thing at a time.”
– Gary Keller

Welcome to your freedom!  If you’re reading this, then you are alive.  Which means today is a great day to celebrate! For a second, let’s take a look at the last few days we’ve had.

Were you taking the necessary actions to move closer to your goals?

I know your answer is YES!  If not, then you can start today – right after this post because I’m going to share a productivity hack to significantly boost your results on this Workable Wednesday.

Today we are going to reference our compelling future.  For example, my compelling future consists of a successful blogging and business career, spending time with my family and friends, and helping others get what they want. These are all motivational elements of my compelling future and serve as reasons I wake up and stay in tune all day.

To discover some key elements of your compelling future, you can ask yourself: What does my future look like?

Then continue to probe by asking: What am I doing in my future?  Who am I spending my time with?  What am I enjoying?  You can go on from there.

These are some questions to consider when painting your compelling future.

Okay – I See the Future, What Now?

I want to highlight a powerful idea which I began to understand while reading The One Thing by Gary Keller.  The idea I want to share with you is called the Pareto principle and it is a concept you can start applying immediately to get favorable results.

Below is a short and insightful video on the Pareto principle, created by Lavendaire:

When I first discovered this idea, I was in disbelief.  But then I saw that 20% of the sales agents generated 80% of the business when I worked in insurance. And as a college student, 20% (or less) of the students received A’s and B’s while a majority 80% received C’s, D’s and F’s.

At this point of realization, I became a believer. Now, I apply the Pareto principle for almost every decision I make.  I believe that at least being aware of the concept is valuable because you can use the wisdom if you choose to do so.

I have combined the knowledge in this post with the Build Measure Learn loop I introduced last week. This allows me to measure what is working and then refine my process and learn faster.

As I do this more often, it becomes natural to work the process, gather feedback, and make the appropriate changes in habit. That is the idea!  If you were already aware of the principle, please consider this post as a kind-hearted reminder.

I would love to hear about how you’ve put this knowledge to the test.

Eliminate the Weak Producers

Some of the less productive blogging tasks I have eliminated so far include writing with no outline or structure, creating a product before getting feedback, and attempting to write a full post (from idea to outline to rough draft to final draft) on the same day the post is due.

I discovered these tasks were ineffective because they required a lot of time, there was little structure, and I could not get feedback from my readers fast enough.

Remember, 20% of the actions we take account for 80% of the results we get. 

Therefore, our job is to identify what the 20% critical actions are AND do them.

Consistent action will lead to sharpening of our skills which will then lead to maximum desirable results.

At the time of this post, I believe writing sincere and genuine blog comments are the best way to connect with others and build an audience.  I have confirmed this belief by the quality of the responses and engagement received in the past few days.

I am in repeat mode – refining my style of comments, where I place my comments, and how many comments to write each day for the best results. Its not just about being more productive, it’s about choosing what is the most effective thing to do and doing that activity well and with repetition.

Your Choice to Embrace the Success Tips

In closing, I want to persuade you to comment on one thing you’ve done today that you know will make a great impact on your family, business, or personal life. There is much to be and discover in this world so let’s take off and soar together towards our finest form!

I am glad you are reading a piece of my journey, thank you – I appreciate your support. Please follow my blog if you have not already.

If you have enjoyed this message, please vote in the poll located in the sidebar on my home page. If you are on a mobile browser, the poll is located at the very very bottom. Thanks, the poll will allow me to share more relevant nuggets of wisdom for you in the future. Have an awesome day!

11 thoughts on “This SIMPLE 1 Thing Can Make or Break Your Progress in Life – Ultimate Success Tips

  1. Even though I’m familiar with the pareto principle, you’ve managed to put it into words in a way that has improved my understanding of it. I like this approach. Real detailed examples, instead of vague generalizations, like commenting in meaningful ways on other posts. Really insightful, to me anyway.

    The same goes for the questions about the future. Instead of simply asking ‘where do I see myself in 5 years’, to ask yourself, ‘who are you spending time with?’ ‘what do you enjoy doing?’. Great post. Thank you for sharing, I will come back regularly. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Luckmini, I sincerely appreciate your comment! 🙂

      I completely agree with you – wisely planned (or anticipated) trial and error has been my tool to accomplishing and acquiring the things and relationships I want in life. I hope all is well with you, have a wonderful day!


      • Looking at data/stats and analytics are all tools to help in deciding what direction to move forwards & can assist in deciding what should be 20/80. Like anything it is a work in progress…Have a great day too!

        Liked by 1 person

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